Relationship Reset Bootcamp starting in 

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Tired of Fighting or Feeling Alienated in Your Relationship? 

Featured in: 

Fight Less Connect More

Learn how to stop the fight / distant cycle you are trapped in and feel more connected, loved, and respected by your partner.

Total Value: $997

Join Today For Only $97! 

(That's right! I'm committed to making this super affordable)

Click the button below to sign up.

The Next Bootcamp Starts On June 28th

Read This Before Going Any Further:

I’m Margot Zaher and I’m a relationship coach and I too have been stuck in unhealthy relationships full of drama.

Ok so let’s get real. Too many of us women put up with being ignored, constant arguing, or downright mistreatment because we love our partners. Yes, I too have experienced hell in my relationships and too many unhappy and downright toxic moments. Life is too short to stay in a relationship that is not full of love and bliss. If this sounds like you, it’s time you took a stand and committed to go after the kind of love you
want with your partner.

If you and your partner are in need of a relationship reset, then you are going to be overjoyed to discover how quickly you can create dramatic shifts in your relationship.

You see, for years now, couples have been coming to me to help them solve their relationship problems; problems such as constant arguing, misunderstandings, and feelings of disconnection.

These couples shared with me that they wished their relationship wasn't such an emotional seesaw where one moment they feel connected and loved, and the next moment they feel misunderstood and alienated.
This bootcamp includes highly effective relationship-changing techniques, and communication exercises that are designed to quickly revive that beautiful and loving connection you once had in your relationship. And best of all you can do this from the comfort of your own home.

Here’s a preview of what you will get:

  • ​Are you Mr. Fix-it, Mrs. Perfect, or Miss Popular?  Find out which one of the 9 ego-roles you're playing in your relationship and how to stop these destructive games.
  • ​Uncovering the hidden relationship myths that are running the show in  your relationship,  sabotaging connection and intimacy. 
  • ​An easy 5-step process to move from judging your partner to loving and accepting them exactly as they are.  Yes, this is possible!
  • ​​An intimacy-enhancing exercise to wipe clean the passion cobwebs and create more heat in the bedroom. 
  • ​Self-love is the foundation to a healthy relationship.  Without self-love, you create needy dysfunctional relating.  Learn five tools to deepen self-love and finally get the loving feeling you are yearning for.  
  • ​Tormented by a lack of communication?   Learn the secret to having empowered conversations instead of giving your power away or keeping your true thoughts locked up inside. 
  • ​Have a SERIOUS problem with anger in your relationship that needs attention? Anger is really love in disguise. Find out why, and master the 8 secrets to stopping the fights in your relationship for good!
  • ​Five powerful steps to express your anger and get what you need without sparking your partner's anger. 
  • ​Are you keeping a secret or unsaid truths from your spouse that are weighing you down? Learn how to reveal your truth in ways that deepens your connection with your partner.
“This is a picture of me with my soul mate”
Don’t continue to put up with a mediocre relationship

Join The "Relationship Reset" Bootcamp Now

Imagine you and your partner are snuggled in bed together feeling more
connected than you’ve ever felt…
Just a couple of weeks or months from today, you wake up and see your partner lying beside you! It’s hard to hold back a smile while thinking about how much connection you now feel with your partner. Your heart overflows with gratitude and love for the sweet man sleeping next to you. 
You think back to the wonderful evening you spent together last night and how you felt truly understood by your partner. You marvel about how you were able to reveal what was in your heart and have your partner really listen to you. This created the kind of intimacy and connection you’ve been dreaming of.

Join Today For Only $97! Total Value: $997

What people are saying about Margot’s Relationship Reset Techniques:

"Thanks to Margot, I’ve shifted my way of looking at relationships. I am now relating to my partner in a whole new way, and because of this we are so much happier than before. We no longer fight. We have learned to champion each other and really love from our souls. Thanks Margot for everything!"  ~S.S, Boulder, CO.
“I especially love how Margot addresses “triggering” and seeing the partner as a “divine teacher”, two
concepts I had heard of but didn’t really know much about, and had never seen discussed before. I really
benefited from the discussions on “triggering”, as well as expressing anger in a healthy way, and learning
how to create “freedom” in the relationship.” 
  AP, Ontario, Canada.
"Thanks to Margot’s techniques, I’m more in love with my partner than ever..  I have a new found respect and acceptance of my partner, including his faults.  We've learned how to stop fighting and appreciate our unique differences."   
~M.N, Seattle, WA.
We VERY MUCH enjoyed your program and can't begin to tell you how helpful it has been for us. We are doing everything you suggested and have had some of the most exquisite days of bliss imaginable. I can honestly say I feel as if my anger has dissipated entirely and I no longer have the charge I used to. 
 ~ Kimberely L, CA

The single biggest question I get is the following: “Can I really improve my
relationship with my partner without he or she attending this bootcamp?”

Yes! The good news is that you have the power to shift your relationship with your partner without them attending the bootcamp. You hold the keys to transformation. It’s actually quite simple how this works. Relationship is like a dance. When you make a move, your partner follows with his or her move. After a few months, you develop your own particular dance with your partner based on your unique relationship patterns. The truth is that when you change your dance moves (aka your way of being in the relationship), your partner starts to feel uncomfortable with the old moves and eventually shifts to match your new healthier dance moves. The secret is maintaining your new dance moves over the “Change Back” period (you will learn more about this in the bootcamp).

Meet Margot - Your Coach:

Margot, as an Empowerment and Relationship Coach, helps women in stagnant or troubled relationships break free of unhealthy patterns, shift fear into confidence, and reclaim their power so that they can experience deeper levels of connection and intimacy with their partner.

She’s the author of the Amazon bestseller “The Golden Cage: from entrapment to empowerment” where she guides readers through a step-by-step approach to identify and break free of Life Cage’s, including relationship ones. After going from being stuck in troubled relationships to manifesting her soul mate, she uses her personal experiences to help women create greater intimacy, connection, and trust in their romantic relationships.

Certified Professional Coach since 2000

EMDR Facilitator & Certified Hypnotherapist

Featured on various Podcasts as Relationship Expert​.

Featured in Authority, Thrive,  Bundle Magazines.

Meet Margot - your Coach:

Margot, as an Empowerment and Relationship Coach, helps women in stagnant or troubled relationships break free of unhealthy patterns, shift fear into confidence, and reclaim their power so that they can experience deeper levels of connection and intimacy with their partner.

She’s the author of the Amazon bestseller “The Golden Cage: from entrapment to empowerment” where she guides readers through a step-by-step approach to identify and break free of Life Cage’s, including relationship ones. After going from being stuck
in troubled relationships to manifesting her soul mate, she uses her personal experiences to help women create greater intimacy, connection, and trust in their
romantic relationships.

Certified Professional Coach since 2000

EMDR Facilitator & Certified Hypnotherapist

Featured on various Podcasts as Relationship Expert​.

Featured in Authority Magazine, and Bundle Magazine.

Join The "Relationship Reset" Bootcamp Now

Before you make your decision, I gotta say this:

Your time here on earth is limited. 

And because of that, you need to STOP WAITING:

…for something to simple change in your relationship for the better…..(unfortunately I
tried that and it sure didn’t work)

… or, for the day you wake up and feel ready / have more time / have more money to
figure out how to make things better with your partner.


Sure, if you don’t really care about your relationship or making it what you have
dreamed is possible then and click “close tab” right now, and move on to what does light
up your soul like nothing else.


If you have a desire to create a dramatic shift in your personal relationships, and
CHANGE your way of being in partnership?

Then say “yes” to yourself, to your power, and to this opportunity to make
BREAKTHROUGHS in your relationship with your partner a tangible reality in just 14 days!

To the massive shift you’re about to make,

Margot Zaher

TIME SENSITIVE:  Join The "Relationship Reset" Bootcamp Now

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t attend all of the sessions live? 
All sessions will be recorded so that you can listen to them whenever you have time.
What kind of support will I get? 
You will get your questions answered through live coaching at the end of each call. You will also be a part of a private online community where you will benefit from group support, accountability, and cheerleading.
How much time will I need to dedicate to the assignments each week?
Obviously, this depends on how fully you participate. I recommend that you set aside 30 minutes to 1 hour to do your homework assignments three times a week during this bootcamp.
Does my partner need to be a part of the bootcamp for this to work? 
No, this bootcamp gives you the tools to help you shift your behavior patterns, impacting your partner’s behavior in turn.
What is the format? 
All sessions will be done via zoom. There will be one hour of teaching and 30 minutes of Q&A.
What are the official days of the Bootcamp?
There will be six zoom sessions. We
will be meeting at 8pm EST on Mondays (June 28th , July 5th) and Tuesdays (June 29th, July 6th) and Thursdays (July 1st, July 8th).
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